Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Another Old JOW #1150

I am returning to a familiar theme this week, the elderly.  I can relate.  If my body were a car, I would trade it for a newer model.  Every time I cough, sputter, or sneeze, my radiator leaks and my exhaust backfires.  As a ‘special treat’ I am also including a section on everyone’s favorite insect the dung beetle.  I hope these give you some amusement.


There are four stages of old age:

You forget names. Then you forget faces. Next, you forget to zip up. And finally, you forget to zip down.


I changed my password to ‘incorrect’.  That way if I forget my password the computer will remind me – “Your password is incorrect.”


Pastry chefs know that old age crepes up on you.


“This is your great-grandma and great grandpa,” the old man told his grandson as he handed him a photo of his parents. “Do you think I look like them?”

He shook his head. “Not yet.”


Out bicycling one day with her granddaughter, a grandma got a little wistful. "In ten years," she said, "you'll want to be with your friends and you won't go walking, biking, and swimming with me like you do now."
Carolyn shrugged. "In ten years you'll be too old to do all those things anyway."


When the new activities director for the rec center walked in, the retirees quickly took notice. She was 20-something, statuesque, and gorgeous.

One old guy whispered, “She makes me wish I was 30 years older.”

“Don’t you mean 30 years younger?” I asked.

“No. If I were 30 years younger, I’d still never have a chance with a woman like that. If I were 30 years older, it wouldn’t bother me so much.”


Two old friends got into a beef that quickly grew heated.  Finally, one of them declared, "That does it! I'm taking you off my pallbearer list!"


What was the radioactive older woman’s superpower?

Gramma rays.


I have no respect for gangs today. They just drive by and shoot people. At least in the old days, like in West Side Story, the gangs used to dance with each other first.


A nurse friend of mine took a 104-year-old patient for a walk in the hospital corridor. When she got him back to his room and sat him down, he took a deep breath and announced, "That was great! I don't feel a day over 100!"


After booking my 102-year-old mother-in-law on a flight from Texas to Colorado, I called the airline to go over her needs. The woman representative listened patiently as I requested a wheelchair and an attendant for my mother because of her arthritis and impaired vision. I also asked for a special meal and assistance in changing planes.
My apprehension lightened a bit when the woman assured me everything would be taken care of. I thanked her profusely.
"Why, you're welcome," she replied. I was about to hang up when she cheerfully asked, "And will your mother-in-law be needing a rental car?"


The orthopedic specialist had to make arrangements for an elderly patient with spinal arthritis to have a special injection. Two days later, the patient called us, concerned that he had missed our call because of his poor hearing. "I can barely hear, barely see and barely walk," he told them.
Then he added cheerfully, "Things could be worse, though. At least I can still drive."


·         The good thing about having a bad memory is that jokes can be funny more than once.


·         The older I get, the earlier it gets late.


·         I’m not hard of hearing I’ve just heard enough.


·         Nowadays ‘doing crunchies’ means eating potato chips.


·         They say with age comes wisdom.  Well, apparently that age weights about fifty pounds.


·         I am back to the Stone Age.  Gall stone, Kidney stones, bladder stones.


·         My fat cells must have accepted Jesus as their lord and savior because they seem to have eternal life.



Enough with the old people jokes.


Patient: “Doctor, you have to help me, I think I can see in the future.”

Doctor: “When did you start having this power?” 

Patient: “Next Friday.”


What do you call someone with no body and no nose?

Nobody knows.


I lost track of time last night and burned dinner.  It’s my way of burning calories.


What do you call bears with no ears?



What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common?

They have the same middle name.


I told my physical therapist I broke my arm in two places.

He told me to stop going to those places.


I was watching a nature show (again) and watched some footage on the dung beetle, a little bug that rolls up big balls of manure to its nest to feed its offspring.  The balls can be relatively large compared to the little bug which gives it a Sisyphus-like vibe.  They also are pretty funny.

Dung beetle apps


Dung n donuts

Snap Scat

Pooper Eats


A dung beetle walks into a bar and says, “Excuse me, is this stool taken?”


Two dung beetles go out for lunch

They went into a restaurant and came out five minutes later.
They went into another place and as they're eating, one says "this is good sh1t"!
The other replies, "Yeah, that last place was crap".


Why do we always see a Dung Beetle with a ball of sh1t?

Because that's how he rolls.


Two dung beetles meet

The first one asks; “How’s it going?”
The second replies; “Same sh1t, different day.”


Why did the Dung Beetle quit work?

He was all pooped out!


Whenever a dung beetle goes out for fast food they always order a Number 2.


And finally, as is my wont, an off-topic joke to finish things out.

A businessman boarded a flight from New York to Miami and found a young woman seated next to him wearing a large diamond ring. During the flight, he asked her about the ring.

“It is the Klopman diamond, but it comes with a terrible curse,” she said. 

“What’s the curse,” he asked. She replied, “Mr. Klopman.”


Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Scientifical JOW #1149


My jokes this week are centered on generally scientific things; not for any particular reason, just because.  Still, I think these are pretty amusing; I hope you enjoy them.,


Two reasons why it is a bad idea to major in physics

The math is hard

You’ll never enjoy action movies again as you will notice the wrong physics.


I understand that movies cannot replicate reality; I am dismayed that there are lots of people who get their history and science education from watching movies.  There are lots of differences.  Here are some examples.


“Professor, either you let me do my research my way or I quit.”

Movie – I’ll agree because you are clearly a misunderstood, scruffy-looking genus.

Reality – Okay.  Close the door on the way out.


“We need you to replicate this top-secret research.”

Movie – Give me an hour and I can do it better

Reality – Replicate?  I can barely understand the writing. The graphs have no legend.  It has no experimental context at all.


“How long will the process take?”

Movie –A week.

            What if I double your fee?

            I can have it tomorrow.

Reality - How long will the process take?

            A week.

            What if I double your fee?

            A week.


Some idle thoughts:

I wonder, did Batman and Robin ever just sit around and shoot the guano?


The asteroid that ended the dinosaurs still holds the record for killing the most birds with one stone.


When the scientist had twins - she baptized one and kept the other as a control.


Have you heard that entropy isn’t what it used to be?


There’s a new theory on inertia, but it doesn’t seem to be gaining momentum.


Why is quantum mechanics the original “original hipster”?
It described the universe before it was cool.

Some chemistry jokes

I was going to tell a joke about sodium, but Na.


If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the precipitate.


There are only bad science jokes left.
All the good ones argon.


What do you do with a sick chemist?
If you can’t helium, and you can’t curium, then you might as well barium.


Teen 1: Did you hear oxygen and magnesium got together??
Teen 2: OMg!


Famous last words from chemists:

1) “And now the taste test…”

2) “And now shake it a bit…”

3) “In which glass was my mineral water?”

4) “This is a completely safe experimental setup.”

5) “Now you can take the protection window away…”


And think about the differences in three temperature scales. 

On a 1-100 degree scale.

In Fahrenheit it goes from really cold outside to hot outside.

In Celsius, pretty cold outside to dead

In Kelvin, dead at both ends.


Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius died in 1744 aged 43 although his rival Fahrenheit was convinced he was really 109.


A few riddles:


What do you call an acid with a bad attitude?

A mean oh acid


Why did the bacteria fail the math test?
He thought multiplication was the same as division.


Why don’t aliens visit our Solar System?
They read the reviews – just one star.


An infectious disease walks into a bar.
The bartender says, “We don’t serve your kind here.”
It replies, “Well, you’re not a very good host.”


Two tectonic plates walk into a bar.  One bumps into another and says, “Sorry, my fault.”


Do you know the name Pavlov?
It rings a bell.


There is a new dog hair washing product out there called Pavlov.  It’s a conditioner.

What kind of dog does a scientist have?
A lab.


The earth is 70% water. And that water is uncarbonated.  So technically it’s flat.


Is two a lot?

Lots of things depend on the context – two dollars? No.  Nobel Prizes?  Yes.


An infectious disease walks into a bar.
The bartender says, “We don’t serve your kind here.”
It replies, “Well, you’re not a very good host.”


An optimist sees a glass half full

A pessimist sees a glass half empty.

A chemist sees a glass half full of liquid and half full of air.

The engineer sees a glass two times too large.

I see a glass than could use a refill.


Hallmark channel – ‘Love is in the air.’

Scientist – “No it isn’t. It’s mostly Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon Dioxide.


“Dad, will I ever have to use math?”

“Sure, son.  One day you will have to help your own child with math homework.”


If self-driving cars become the norm, when drivers have heart attacks they won’t crash, the corpse will just show up peacefully at its destination until someone notices.


Have you ever thought about the inventor of the first clock explaining time to his friends?

Inventor – Here is the face of my clock.  There are twelve numbers on it.

Friend – So the day will be divided into twelve segments.

Inventor – No, twenty four

Friend – So the day will start at one?

Inventor – No, the day will start at twelve. Which is at night.  And the six really means thirty.


And finally

In 1957, the BBC aired a short documentary about a mild winter leading to a bumper Swiss spaghetti crop in the town of Ticino. In a dry, distinguished tone, BBC narrated how even in the last few weeks of March, the spaghetti farmers worry about a late frost, which might not destroy the pasta crop but could damage the flavor and hurt prices. The narration accompanies film footage of a rural family harvesting long spaghetti noodles from trees and laying them out to dry “in the warm Alpine sun.”

Naturally, the hundreds of people who called the BBC asking where they could get their own spaghetti bushes hadn’t noticed the air date of the news clip: April 1st. 


Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Royal JOW #1148

 The lamented passing of Queen Elizabeth has focused the world’s attention on the Royal Family.  So with things royal on my mind, I came up with some royalty-based jokes.  I hope you enjoy them.


Here is a true story that is characteristic of the late Queen.

The Queen and her protection officer, PPO, were walking through the park in Balmoral.

As they walked they were approached by an older American couple. “Afternoon, isn’t it lovely here, do you come often?”
“As I matter of fact I live nearby actually.” replied her majesty as her PPO shifted uncomfortably.
“Wow, have you ever met the Queen?!” asked the eager tourists.
“No I haven’t, but this man has a few times” responded the Queen.
“Oh wow, what’s she like?!” The couple asked.
“Well…she’s a wonderful woman with a fantastic sense of duty” replied the PPO. “She can be a bit cantankerous at times” he added as he felt more comfortable with the joke.
The couple then ask the Queen for a photo with PPO and she obliges (!). As they are saying goodbye they agree to a picture with the Queen as suggested by the PPO.
Apparently the Queen and PPO had a good laugh as they walked back to the castle wondering what the couples’ friends will say when they show them a picture of the man who met the Queen and the old lady he was with.


Oscar Wilde once boasted that he could make a pun on any subject...

Someone called out "The Queen!"
"Ah", replied Wilde, "but the Queen is not a subject."


For some reason there are lots of scatological jokes about royalty.  I suppose it is for the surprise factor.  I will limit myself to three flatulence jokes.

If the Queen accidentally farts during dinner, the other guests are supposed to pretend like nothing happened.

Noble gases should have no reaction.


The Queen farted and quickly looked for someone else to blame.

"Bidwell!" she shouted to a servant, "stop that this instant!"
"Of course, your majesty," he replied. "Which way did it go?"


What happens when the Queen is done visiting the toilet?

A Royal Flush.


President Ronald Regan was once invited to visit by Queen Elizabeth. Both of them were riding in the Queen's horse-driven carriage when one of the horses farted.
Embarrassed by the horse's toot, the Queen apologizes to Indira Gandhi, "I'm sorry," she said.
Regan replied, "Oh that's okay. But I thought it was the horse!"

Some general royalty jokes:

What do you call it if a king and queen have no children?

A receding heir line.


What do you call a person whose wife was the Queen, daughter is a Princess and his boss is the Emperor, but he himself is no royal?

Darth Vader.

If Dairy Queen and Burger King had a baby, what do you call it?

Restaurants can't have sex.


What did the King say when the Queen gifted him a Fool for his birthday

"I've no use for one of these... But it was a nice jester"


Q: What is a royal pardon?
A: What a Queen says after she burps.


What kind of fee does the Queen of England charge when she knights someone?

A sir charge


My friend is so successful, he does surgery, is a military general, and he was recently knighted by the Queen of England.

We call him Sir Gen


The male bees were unhappy with their lot.

So they decided to stop fertilizing the Queen. They had the usual demands: larger honey rations, shorter hours, etc. The worker bees tried to negotiate, but it was too late, and the hive never recovered. Thus it became the first beehive destroyed in a drone strike.


The King was leaving his castle and going to battle.   He locks his the beautiful Queen in a room and gave the key to his best friend, telling him: I have locked the Queen up to keep her safe. If am not back from the battle within four days, open the room and she is yours.
He mounted his horse and headed out to battle. Half an hour later he noticed a dust cloud coming up behind him.  It is his friend riding to overtake him.
"What's wrong?" King asks.
Out of breath, his friend answers, "It is the wrong key!"


Saudi Arabia banned chess, calling it a disruptive game

The reasons are:
1. The Queen doesn't wear a burkha.
2. The Queen roams freely wherever she wants to.
3. The Queen is more powerful than the King.
4. The Queen goes alone to opponent's territory.
5. Most importantly, there's only one Queen.


And here are few ‘non-royal’ jokes to end things up.

Why don’t pirates take a shower before they walk the plank?

They just wash up on shore.


One of the oddities of Wall Street is that it is the dealer and not the customer who is called broker.

Two racehorses are in a stable. One says to the other, “You know, before that last race…”

“The one that you won?” asks the other horse.

“Yeah, before that race, I felt a pinch in my hindquarters.  And soon after I felt really fast.”

The other horse says, “Funny, I felt a pinch in my hindquarters before the race that I won.”

A dog walking by says, “You idiots, you’re being doped. They’re injecting you with a drug to make you run faster!”

The first horse turns to the other and says, “Hey, a talking dog!”