Monday, November 26, 2012

Oddball JOW #637

In order to ‘get’ some jokes you have to know a little bit about the subject of the joke.  In fact that is part of the humor of it: the shared understanding of the pun or ambiguity of the expression.  If the person hearing the joke is unaware of some of background of the joke they will not get the reference.  Does the name 'Pavlov' ring any bells?  

Here are three oddball jokes which presume a basic knowledge of physics:

Q: Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?
A: To get to the same side.

Two molecules walk into a bar.  One says to the other “I think I have lost an electron.”
“Are you certain?” asks the other molecule.
“Yes, I’m positive.”

Notice in a physics lab:
Schrodinger’s Cat
   Dead or Alive
        Or not

Here are some other oddball jokes

A recent psychological study revealed that a woman’s estrus cycle changes her taste in men.
While ovulating, women prefer pictures of faces of strong-looking very masculine men.  During their periods, they seem to prefer pictures of men with visible blunt force trauma to their face. 
Kids may not get this joke because don’t understand that during women’s ‘time of the month’ women become less compassionate, more moody, withdrawn, and prone to violent irrational outbursts; that is, they become more like men. 

A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus driver says: ''Ugh, that's the ugliest baby I've ever seen!''
The woman walks to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her: ''The driver just insulted me!''
The man says: ''You go up there and tell him off. Go on, I'll hold your monkey for you.''

A dog went to a telegram office, took out a blank form and wrote: "Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof."
The clerk examined the paper and politely told the dog, "There are only nine words here. You could send another 'Woof' for the same price."
The dog replied, "Yeah but that would make no sense at all!"

A nice, calm and respectable lady went into the pharmacy, walked up to the pharmacist, looked straight into his eyes, and said, "I'd like to buy some cyanide."
The pharmacist asked, "Why in the world do you need cyanide?"
The lady replied, "I need it to poison my husband."
The pharmacist's eyes got big and he explained, "Lord have mercy! I can't give you cyanide to kill your husband, that's against the law!
I'll lose my license! They'll throw both of us in jail! All kinds of bad things will happen. Absolutely not! You CANNOT have any cyanide!"
The lady reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of her husband in bed with the pharmacist's wife.
The pharmacist looked at the picture and said, "You didn't tell me you had a prescription."

A few quick  jokes:

·         After all that food on Thanksgiving I decided to go on a whiskey diet. I've already lost two days.
·         A truckload of tortoises crashed into a trainload of terrapins. What a turtle disaster!  
·         I went to the corner shop and bought 4 corners.
·         What is the proper scientific term for your tenth sexual partner?  Decimate
·         And if they were all men?    Decimale
·         What do you call a bear that has lost one ear?      B

In conclusion, do any of you remember Elephant jokes?

How do you get 4 elephants in a Smartcar?
2 in the front and 2 in the back.
What's harder than getting 4 elephants in a Smartcar?
Getting 4 pregnant elephants in a Smartcar.
What's harder than getting 4 pregnant elephants in a Smartcar?
Getting 4 elephants pregnant in a Smartcar!  (read carefully)
How do you get four giraffes into a Smartcar?
You can't; it’s full of elephants

Monday, November 19, 2012

Pre-Holiday JOW #636

Thanksgiving is the real start of the ‘Holidays’ a time demanding way too much effort for way too long.  We are constantly bombarded with messages to spend, Spend, SPEND, SPEND.  At least Thanksgiving has less pressure from commercials – although Black Friday is somehow becoming a holiday in and of itself.  This is the logical extension of our entire Holiday system: no need to have a real holiday, just a reason to spend money we don’t have.   At least Thanksgiving allows us to all sit down at the same time – halftime.

Thanksgiving does not get much attention from the motion picture industry; here are a few ideas for some Thanksgiving-themed movies.
·        My Best Friend's Dressing
·        The Texas Coleslaw Massacre
·        Casserolablanca
·        12 Hungry Men
·        Silence of the Yams
·        For Love of The Game Hen
·        I Know What You Ate Last Winter
·        White Meat Can't Jump
·        When Harry Met Salad
·        The Wing and I

And if you do happen to burn your Turkey, relax, there are some upsides to that.

·        The smoke alarm can get a test.
·        Carving the bird will provide a good cardiovascular workout.
·         Tell everybody your turkey is Cajun blackened.
·        Salmonella won't be a concern.
·        Your cheese broccoli lima bean casserole will gain new found appreciation.
·        Pets won't bother to pester you for scraps.
·        No one will overeat.
·        You'll get to the desserts even quicker.
·        The less turkey Uncle You-Know-Who eats, the less likely he will be to walk around with his pants unbuttoned.

At a Thanksgiving celebration the uncle sat down next to his young niece was sitting beside next to her infant brother.
“Is he spoiled?” asked the doting uncle.
“No, he usually smells like that,” she replied.
Young Bubba was sitting in his grandmother's kitchen, watching her prepare the Thanksgiving meal.
"What are you doing?" Bubba asked.
"Oh, I'm just stuffing the turkey," his grandmother replied.
"That's cool!" Bubba said. "Are you going to hang it next to the deer?"

Some non-holiday humor:

Old guys can still have some box office punch.  There have been a couple of movies starring well-aged action stars.  They called them “The Expendables”.  I guess they thought that given the age of some of the stars calling them “The Dependables” might give the wrong idea.

Dick, who lives in LA and thus should know, says that Arnold Schwarzenegger is going to star in a new Conan movie.  The working title is “Conan the Octogenarian”

I heard some Seals were punished for helping to development one of those military video games.  Maybe our Generals can pick up a few bucks by helping develop a new game: “Call of Booty”.

A random thought: If fast carnivorous dinosaurs had pondered the meaning of life would they have been called Philosoraptors?

Monday, November 12, 2012

Worn out JOW #635

I thought I would put out a Joke of the Week on exercise since I did not do much of it last week other than  jumping to conclusions, running off at the mouth, pushing my luck, flying off the handle, casting aspersions, and generally getting over the hill.  I understand the government has just completed a seventeen billion dollar program investigating just why our nation is so overweight.  It seems that in order to lose weight you need to diet and exercise.  Who would have thought it?

First, Tor has brought something to my attention –
Gay marriage and marijuana were both legalized in some states in the recent elections.  This is in accordance with the bible for does not Leviticus 20:13 say:
“A man who lays with another man should be stoned”?

(By the way, now that it is legal can’t you just imagine the commercials for weed?)

Before I get into my theme I just had a thought:
Q: What happens if you play a country music song backwards?
A: You sober up, you get a job, and your girl comes back to you.

Dianne shared some of her exercise secrets with me:

·         Walking can add time to the end of your life. This enables you at 85 years old to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing home at $4,000 per month.
·         I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.  The only reason I would take up walking is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.
I have to walk early in the morning, before my brain figures out what I'm doing...
·         I joined a health club last year, spent about 250 bucks. Haven't lost a pound.
Apparently you have to go there!
·         Every time I hear the dirty word 'exercise', I wash my mouth out with chocolate.
·         And exercise makes me spill my coffee.
·         I do have flabby thighs, but fortunately my stomach covers them.
·         The advantage of exercising every day is so when you die, they'll say, 'Well, she looks good doesn't she.'
·         If you decide to try cross-country skiing, start with a small country.
·         We all get heavier as we get older, because there's a lot more information in our heads.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

A man who had tried and failed in every known exercise program answered an ad for guaranteed weight loss through exercise. 
The pretty lady at the facility indicated that he would not have any fees if he did not lose weight after one of their sessions.  Intrigued the man signed up.  He instructed to wear only his shorts and tennis shoes and to report to an upstairs room.  He entered through a heavy door into a darkened space.  As he stood there uncertainly the door closed and locked behind him.  The lights suddenly came on and he found himself in a large room filled with stairs, ladders, ramps, and obstacles.  In the center of the room was a scantily-clad young nymph. 
“If you can catch me in the next hour, you can have me,” she said teasingly.  A bell rang and for the next hour he tried vainly to do just that.  Finally, after an hour of pursuit a bell rang and the door behind him opened. 
The young lovely popped out with a cheerful, “See you next week.”
The man trained hard for his exercise sessions and the pounds just melted off as he fruitlessly chased various fit young women.  As time when by he came closer and closer to catching one of the temptresses; additionally, his rate of weight loss decreased.
“Sir,” the receptionist told him as he arrived for one of his sessions, “in order to reach your desired goal weight we think it is time to provide you with increased motivation.  Would you like to try our enhanced program?”
Thinking this must be two even more lovely girls the man agreed.
As usual, he entered the darkened room and the door locked securely behind him.  When the lights came up he saw a large, ugly, bearded man in the middle of the room.
“If I can catch you I can have you,” the ugly man said getting up as a bell rang.


I know that every time I start thinking too much about how I look, I just find a pub with a Happy Hour and by the time I leave, not only do the ladies look just fine, so do I.
A retired man was asked what he going to do that day by his wife. 
‘Nothing’ he replied. 
“You did that yesterday.”
“I didn’t finish.”

And to finish up with something from my Navy friend Don

Osama Bin Laden was living with three wives in one compound and never left the house for five years.
It is now believed he called the Navy Seals himself.