Monday, October 14, 2013

One thing leads to another JOW #683

I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.  However in Texas you cannot count on every day being pleasant.  Saturday was the warmest low of the year with ‘feels like’ temperatures well into the 80s at sunrise.  Still, it is cooler and I am grateful.  I started this set of jokes intending it to be about the fall season but then I came across a random bit of information that sent me in a different direction.  Did you know that a gathering of baboons is called a congress – which explains a lot.  And set me off on the collection of clowns we the people elected to represent us.  And the rest of the JOW is mostly invective on their gross incompetence provided by the men who do that sort of thing for a living.

Pat sent me an autumnal topical joke

Divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter and what do you get?
Pumpkin Pi

This brought to mind some old jokes from my youth
Q: How do you fix a broken pumpkin?
A: With a pumpkin patch

Q: What falls in autumn?
A: Leaves!

And while pondering leaves this one popped into my head

A couple goes to an art gallery. They find a picture of a beautiful naked woman with only her privates covered with leaves. The wife doesn't like it and moves on but the husband keeps looking. The wife asks: "What are you waiting for?"
The husband replies: "Autumn."

Leaves in the autumn are a lot like raising kids. First they turn on you, and then they fly away. And next thing you know, you look out the window and they're back!


If the opposite of ‘pro’ is ‘con’ then it follows that the opposite of ‘progress’ is ‘congress’.

The late night humorists are having the best joke fodder since the days of Bill Clinton.  I mined their comments and found a rich trove.  But first, one of my all time favorite political send ups:

"Which side shall prevail in this epic electoral tilt? Who shall control the future of fortress America? Will we be, as the Republicans desire, a nation of wealthy, heavily armed white men, befouling the air and water in a ceaseless quest for profit, beholden to no laws but those of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Or shall we instead embrace the Democrats' vision of a namby-pamby quasi-socialist Republic with an all-homosexual army, flamboyantly defending a citizenry suckling at the foul teat of government welfare? The choice is yours fair maiden America, for the name of this feudal system is democracy." —Stephen Colbert

"It's day fourteen of the government shutdown. Are you like me? Are you beginning to miss the days when we were ruled by a mad English king?" –David Letterman

A top geneticist at Stanford says human intelligence is declining. You know what that means? We are seeing Congress at its smartest and most effective right now. – David Letterman

"A new study published by The British Medical Journal found that inactivity can kill you. I mean, these are the kind of findings that just scare the hell out of Congress." –Jay Leno

"New research found that people who wake up early are more productive than people who sleep in. Or as Congress put it, 'Whoa — is it noon already?'" –Jimmy Fallon

"I'm not saying this Congress is bad at its job. I'm just saying that this Congress is equivalent to a skunk with its head in a jar of Skippy peanut butter." – Jon Stewart

"The federal government has shut down, and 800,000 federal employees are out of work. That explains why tonight our entire studio audience is made up of park rangers and astronauts." –Conan O'Brien

"After Congress failed to reach an agreement on a new spending bill, the federal government officially shut down. So roads won't get fixed, public employees won't help you, and getting a federal loan for a house will be very difficult – but there will also be a lot of differences." –Jimmy Fallon

Almost a million non-essential government employees were let go. Well, isn’t that the problem, that there’s that many non-essential employees? –David Letterman

"Even the NSA is out of business. And while they're closed, while the government is shut down, they are asking citizens to please spy on each other." –David Letterman

"At least here in America, crucial agencies like the U.S. Border Patrol are still on the job. That's a good thing. The last thing we need is an influx of Canadians, with their politeness and a government that's open every day." –Craig Ferguson

Most people think the IRS Is just out to audit people. But that is not true. In addition to the people who do the audits, the IRS has people dedicated to defending taxpayers who get audited. But guess which group just got furloughed? – Craig Ferguson

"Now, I’m not sure how politics works, but I’m pretty sure if the government shuts down it means that we don’t have to pay taxes. – Arsenio Hall

And finally from Tom, an unrelated joke.

A friend of mine had a power outage last week and his PC, TV and games console shut down immediately.  It was raining and since he couldn't golf or go fishing, so he talked to his wife for a few hours.  He reported to me that she seems like a nice person.

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