Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Administrative JOW #1175

I am going to start this week with a few quick, unrelated jokes.


My sense of humor is probably due to unresolved childhood trauma.


Now that St. Patrick’s Day is past everyone can go back to their original nationality… until May 5th.


I got a wish from a Leprechaun.  I played it safe and told him I just wanted to be happy.

Now I am working in a mine with six other dwarves.   


Mr. Peanut’s last words: “I’ll be back in a Jif.”


Nothing ruins a Friday more than an understanding that today is Tuesday.


Taco Bell Sign: Now Hiring Managers.

[Two weeks later …] Taco Bell Sign: Now Hiring Managers. Background Checks Required.


Here’s some advice: At a job interview, tell them you’re willing to give 110 percent. Unless the job is a statistician. 


Sometimes I like to sit my dog down for a performance review, just to remind him who’s boss.


Why is it that no one is ever the correct amount of ‘whelmed’?

George Washington is the only president to not blame the previous administration for his problems


I’m pretty sure the dinosaurs died out when they stopped gathering food and started having meetings to discuss gathering food. 


Kale is such a versatile vegetable.   It fits in any size trash can.


Potatoes, on the other hand, provide loads of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.  And you can have them fried, roasted, or baked and loaded up with all sorts of delicious things. And they make potato chips, and French fries, and vodka.  It’s like the other vegetables aren’t even trying.


I learned the average person has nine alcoholic drinks a week.  It is so nice to above average in something.


My memory has gotten so bad it has actually caused me to lose my job. I’m still employed. I just can’t remember where.


Some office jokes

Scene: The break room.

Coworker #1 pulls out a bottle of vitamins.

Coworker #2: What’s that?

Coworker #1: Vitamin D.

Coworker #2: Why do you take that?

Coworker #1: Because we live in Ohio, and we never see the sun.

Coworker #2: Wait a minute … they make a vitamin that gives you a tan?


Employee #1: I wouldn’t eat caviar. That’s fish eggs!

Employee #2: I’d try it. After all, I eat chicken eggs.

Employee #3: You eat chicken eggs?!


Our boss asked the new intern to make three copies of an office key. The guy returned ten minutes later with the copies … which he’d made on the Xerox machine. 


To resolve conflicts between management and staff, a facilitator brought both sides together and asked employees to jot down key words on a flip chart. One participant complained about management’s tendency to interfere and wrote the word nitpicking. A manager leaped to his feet to ask, “Shouldn’t there be a hyphen between nit and picking?”


The boss was known as a stickler for good spelling. So when an associate e-mailed technical documents and asked her to “decifer” them, she had to set him straight.

“Decipher is spelled with a ph, not an f,” she wrote. “In case you’ve forgotten, spellchecker comes free with your Microsoft program.”  

A minute later came his reply: “Must be dephective.”


Client to designer: “It doesn’t really look purple. It looks more like a mixture of red and blue.”


Same Client: The blue looks OK, but it would be great if it was a little more orange. Like “blorange.”


We were making leaflets for a local church, and the client wanted a logo designed with Earth being shielded by the hand of God. I sent the client a proof. Shortly thereafter, got a call. Client: The hand looks too human. Please use a hand that looks more like God’s. 


The tech was trying to fix the office Internet connection.  An employee in the other room called out for the computer password.

“Start with a capital S, then 123,” the tech shouted back.

They tried S123 several times, but it didn’t work. So they called the tech in. As he input the password, he muttered, “I really don’t know what’s so difficult about typing Start123.”


System administrators should be called LANlords.


Irate tenant talking to his landlord about the late rent:

 “So ... you’re talking to me only because the rent’s not paid? Is that all I am to you? A tenant?” 


I guess this is what happens after you’ve worked at the same place for a while: an employee began his shift at a restaurant by walking into the kitchen area and calling out, “Honey, I’m home!” 


An insurance agent called the medical office. One of the doctors had filled out a medically necessary leave-of-absence form for a patient, but, the agent said, the patient had altered it. The giveaway? The return-to-work date had been changed to February 30. 


The maternity ward was quiet, there were few babies there and only one boy.  Thus the nurse on duty smiled when she saw a harried man come in with a floral arrangement wrapped in blue ribbons proclaiming ‘It’s a boy.’

Gesturing to the baby boy she asked, “Does he look like you?”

“I hope not,” he said. “I just deliver flowers.”


And finally

A mathematician, and physicist, and an engineer are asked to find the volume of a red rubber ball.

The mathematician knows that the volume of a sphere has been mathematically determined so he measures the radius and puts it into the proper formula.

The physicist knows that Archimedes discovered how to determine the volume of an object so he submerges it in water and record the change in water level.

The engineer finds the number on the ball then pulls out their book of red rubber balls and finds its specifications.


Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Yet Another Old JOW #1174

 It’s weird being the same age as old people.  I admit to being a ‘senior’ but resist being called ‘elderly’.  The difference, as I am fond of saying, is that seniors talk about their aches and pains and the elderly talk about their operations and procedures.  I admit I was feeling pretty creaky after hearing the TV reporter say, "To contact me, go to my Facebook page, follow me on Twitter, or try me the old-fashioned way-e-mail."  I try not let my age define me, but the side effects are getting harder to ignore.  I have gone from eating pigs in a blanket to being a pig in a blanket.  But there is a humorous side to all this old stuff.  Like these jokes.


When I was younger if I dropped something I just picked it up.  Now I stare at it and try to decide if I actually need it.


There are some advantages to getting older.  A nice young man from India will often call me up just to because he is very concerned about my car warranty.


Gray Pride. 

We’re old.

We’re tired.

Get off our lawn.


When young people tell me how tough it is I tell them how I survived without a cell phone and the internet for fifty years.   I may not know how to TicTok, but I can write in cursive, do long division, and tell time on analog clocks, so there’s that.


Everything's starting to click for me these days.  My knees, my elbows, my neck …   It’s like the ‘check engine’ light on my body has come on.


Listening to the Eagles, I’m not sure what to do:  “Take it Easy” or “Take it to the Limit.”

The location of my musical choices have changed.

When I was 16 my favorite songs were on the radio.

When I was 21 I heard my songs in my favorite bar.

Now I hear my favorite songs in the grocery store.


An old guy got carded at the liquor store. While he was taking out his ID, his old Blockbuster card fell out. The clerk shook his head, said, “Never mind,” and rang him up.


I hear there is a new blockbuster movie coming out with Harrison Ford, who is getting up there in years.  Maybe they should call it:  Indiana Jones and the Afternoon Nap


Saw an older friend in the store for the first time in a while.  I asked how her husband was.

“He’s gone,” she relied, meaning he had passed on.

Thinking she meant he had gone on a trip I thoughtlessly replied,

“Why didn’t you go with him?”



·         What happens when a woman ages out of being a cougar?  She becomes a Def Leppard.

·         The inventor of autocorrect died yesterday.  The funeral will be held tomato

·         When does the ‘old enough to know better’ kick in?

·         One of the shortest wills ever written: "Being of sound mind, I spent all the money." 


Seeing her friend Sally wearing a new locket, Meg asks if there is a memento of some sort inside.

“Yes,” says Sally, “A lock of my husband’s hair.”

“But Larry’s still alive.”

“I know, but his hair is gone.”


"Because they had no reservations at a busy restaurant, an elderly man and his wife were told there would be a 45-minute wait for a table.
"Young man, we're both 90 years old," he told the maƮtre d'. "We may not have 45 minutes."
They were seated immediately.


Bernie was invited to his friend's home for dinner. Morris, the host, preceded every request to his wife by endearing terms, calling her Honey, My Love, Darling, Sweetheart, Pumpkin, etc. Bernie looked at Morris and remarked, “That is really nice. After all these years that you have been married, you keep calling your wife those pet names.”

Morris hung his head and whispered, “To tell the truth, I forgot her name three years ago.”


We do not throw away perfectly good food in my house.  We wrap it carefully in aluminum foil and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks until it spoils.

*Then* we throw it away.


After a 91-year-old woman finished having her hair cut and shaped, the stylist announced, “There, now you look ten years younger.”

The old lady, un­impressed, replied, “Who wants to look 81 years old?”


“This is your great-grandma and great grandpa,” I told my grandson as I handed him a photo of my parents. “Do you think I look like them?”

He shook his head. “Not yet.”


"For my grandmother's 80th birthday, we had a huge family celebration and even managed to get a photo announcement printed in the local paper.

"That was a nice shot," I commented.
"It's my passport picture," she revealed.
"Really?" I stared in amazement at my homebody grandma. "Where did you go?"
"Walgreens," she replied. "


To my friend's astonishment, a police car pulled up to her house and her elderly grand-father got out. The patrolman explained that the old gentleman had been lost in the city park and had asked for help.
"Why, Grandfather," my friend said, "you've been going there for 40 years. How could you get lost?"
The old man smiled slyly. "Wasn't exactly lost," he admitted. "I just got tired of walking."


And at long last…

Bob, age 92, and Mary, age 89, are all excited about their decision to get married. While out for a stroll to discuss the wedding they pass a drugstore. Bob suggests they go in.
Bob asks to speak to the pharmacist. He explains they're about to get married, and asks,
"Do you sell heart medication?"
"Of course we do," the pharmacist replies.
"Medicine for rheumatism?"
"Definitely," he says.
"Medicine for memory problems, arthritis, jaundice?"
"Yes, the works."
"What about vitamins, sleeping pills, Geritol, antacids?"
"Do you sell wheelchairs and walkers?"
"All speeds and sizes."
"Good," Bob says to the pharmacist. "We'd like to register for our wedding gifts here, please."


Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Economical JOW #1173


I like to have a theme for my JOW.  Sometimes I look for things that are not considered funny – such as bad economic times.  Economics in general is a tough subject.  It’s hard to find economics jokes… there is not enough demand.  Make no mistake, Economics itself is ridiculously funny.  A few years ago, two economists shared the Noble Prize of Economics.  Their prizes were awarded for refuting one another’s work.   I suspect astrology was invented so that economics would seem like an accurate science. Here are a few economics jokes for you.

The economy is getting so bad that

·         I am getting pre-declined credit cards in the mail.

·         Exxon had to lay off 25 congressmen.

·         Motel Six won’t leave a light on.

·         Wall Street is not Wal-Mart Street.

·         CEOs are playing miniature golf


Books about the social contact and demand-side economics are hard to find.  They are under Locke and Keynes.


How many economists do you need to change a light bulb? You don't need any. If the light bulb really had to change, the market forces would have already made it happen.


Why is the work of an economist and a plumber so similar in nature? Both of them handle gross domestic product.


Which biblical character would have made a great economist? Noah, because while everyone's stocks were in liquidation, his were afloat.


Why didn't the banker tell any of his friends a capitalism joke? They couldn't afford to get it.


Why does Bernie Sanders prefer writing in lowercase? Hi isn’t too fond of capitalism.


What do you call an economist who hates to spend a lot of money on his books? An Economizer.


 What are the first two laws of economics? For each economist, there's supposed to exist an equal and opposite economist; the second law suggests that they're both wrong.


The economy is so bad that bedbugs are infesting sleeping bags and tents because they can’t afford to stay in hotels.


A socialist went to a modern economics school.  He got top Marx.


Economics professors make their students buy the textbooks the professors wrote.

It’s textbook economics.


A woman goes to the butcher shop to buy some sausages

When she gets them, she notices that they're half pork and half cornmeal. Bringing this up to the butcher, she says, "It’s cornmeal on the left and pork on the right!" He tells her "It's to cut costs, ma'am. In this economy, it's so hard to make all ends meat."


In today's economy what do Gender Studies graduates bring to the table?

Your lunch.


Cat ownership is like the economy: 50% of cats are owned by the top 10% of cat lovers


When the economy is good, people drink. When the economy is bad, people drink. The moral?

Invest in alcohol.


We should move to a herb based fuel economy.  We can finally make the trains run on thyme.


Wood fired pizza in this economy?

How's pizza gonna get a job now?


In the 1980s the Soviet Economy minister is making speech at Communist Party session:
“According to latest statistics, our incomes rose 20%, our quality of life rose 30% and our buying economic power rose 40%.”
From the audience: That's great that YOURS did, but what about OURS??


The young man’s girlfriend's father asked him what he did for a living, he was embarrassed to say that he worked at McDonald's, so instead, he said …

"I handle transactions for a multi-billion-dollar company on a daily basis and help provide around $2 billion to the US economy each year."


Two blondes were talking:

“This economy is getting so bad, I had to pose topless for a magazine.  I'm never going back to *that* newsstand!”

The other replied, “Well, if someone comes to your front door saying they are checking for ticks due to warm weather and asks you to take off your clothes and dance around with your arms up…Don’t do it.  It’s a scam.  I wish I had known it yesterday.  I feel so stupid.”


Dove’s chocolate tastes way better than their soap.


You have to be odd to be number one.


Pollen is the snow of the south.


A truck hauling Ramen Noodles lost its entire load last week with estimated damages of $43.25.


If you don’t remember her name in the morning, take her to Starbucks.


People ask why I drink booze.  Actually I have a medical condition whereby my body does not produce its own alcohol, so I ‘m forced to take a supplement.


Alcohol – Cheaper than therapy.


Two books ran into each other.

“You look thinner somehow?”

“Yeah, I had my appendix removed.”


A customer walked into a clothing shop and asked to see the pants that were advertised in the paper that day.

“We don’t have an ad in the paper today,” the owner told her. She insisted he was wrong, so he got a copy of the paper, and they went through it, eventually landing on an ad for pants from another local store.

Exasperated, the customer glared at him and said, “In my newspaper, the ad was for this store!”

And finally:

A man and a little boy entered a barbershop together.

After the man received the full treatment—shave, shampoo, manicure, haircut, etc.—he placed the boy in the chair.

“I’m going to buy a green tie to wear for the parade,” he said. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

When the boy’s haircut was completed and the man still hadn’t returned, the barber said, “Looks like your daddy’s forgotten all about you.”

“That wasn’t my daddy,” said the boy. ”He just walked up, took me by the hand, and said ‘Come on, kid, we’re gonna get a free haircut!’”



Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Perspective JOW #1172

 Here are some jokes this week from my own twisted perspective.  I hope you enjoy them.


I’m sorry that some of my hilarious jokes are inappropriate and by ‘sorry’ I mean ‘you’re welcome.’


Do you want to hear a construction joke? Sorry, I'm still working on it.


I used to be addicted to soap. But I'm clean now.


Am I getting older or is elevator music getting better?


I do all my own stunts – not intentionally.


Though I enjoy the sport, I could never date a tennis player. Love means nothing to them.


If they had a pill for procrastination I would probably take it…   tomorrow.


I went to the paint store to get thinner.  It didn’t work.


Interviewer - What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done?

Me – Awfully bold of you to think I’ve peaked.


My wife has be driving all over town looking for the right brand of paper towel.  That’s right, I’m a Bounty hunter now.


Waiter – How would you like your steak

Me – Like winning an argument with my wife

Waiter – Rare it is!


Man, my new SUV has everything.  But there is a button that says ‘rear wiper’.  I’m afraid to touch it.


My therapist told me to write letters to the people I hate and burn them.

I did and I feel much better.  Now what do I do with all these letters?


Nice try Jehovah’s Witnesses, but dressing up like a cop and saying you have a warrant is not going to get me to open the door.

Troubling questions

Have you tried Taco Bell’s new $4.99 colon cleanse?


How come, ‘you’re a peach’ is a complement and ‘you’re bananas’ is an insult. 


How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it.


What were Mr. Peanut’s last words?  I’ll be back in a Jiff.


Doesn’t scrolling all the way down to your birth year make you feel old?


Police have confirmed that the man who fell from the roof of the nightclub was not a bouncer.


Bigfoot is often confused with Sasquatch, Yeti never complains.


A skeleton walked into a bar and, looking down at his ribcage said, “I’d like a beer…. And a mop.  I am not able to hold my liquor.”


German words can be so long.  For example the German word for bra is stoppenfrumfloppen.


Hold your horses – be stable


A Pilot episode because it is the first time it’s on the air

Break a leg – be in a cast


Deja Poo: The feeling you have heard this crap before.


Rocky Mountain Oysters.  The original sack lunch


Once there were twins who were very close.  One of the twins was good…. The other was the evil one, who of course was eventually caught and sent to prison for six years.  Three years in, he sent his brother a letter.

“Remember when we used to finish one another’s sentences…?”


What is the thing that comes after a sentence?   An appeal.


A husband and wife purchased an old home in Northern New York State from two elderly sisters.

Winter was fast approaching and the wife was concerned about the house’s lack of insulation.

“If they could live here all those years, so can we!” the husband confidently declared.

One November night the temperature plunged to below zero, and they woke up to find interior walls covered with frost.

The husband called the sisters to ask how they had kept the house warm.

After a rather brief conversation, he hung up.

“For the past 30 years,” he muttered, “they’ve gone to Texas for the winter.”

A few for the Boomers:

Carpenter ants are just like any other ants except ‘Rainy days and Mondays’ always get them down.

The Beastie Boys released a five part anthology.  Parts A-D are free but you have to ‘Fight for your right to Part E.’

Elton John but his pet rabbit on a treadmill….  “It’s a little fit bunny..”


Wife – Why are you making pancakes?

Me – They’re for the dogs.

Wife – Okay, why are you making pancakes for the dogs?

Me – Because they don’t know how.

Finally, a couple of Japanese jokes.

Kung Fu student asks his teacher, “Master, why does my ability not improve? I’m always defeated.”

And the master, pensive and forever patient, answers, “My dear pupil, have you seen the gulls flying by the setting sun, and their wings seeming like flames?”

“Yes, my master, I have.”

“And a waterfall, spilling mightily over the stones without taking anything out of its proper place?”

“Yes, my master, I have witnessed it.”

And the moon... when it touches the calm water to reflect all its enormous beauty?”

“Yes, my master, I have also seen this marvelous phenomenon.”

“That is the problem. You keep watching all that stuff instead of training!”


An alien spacecraft lands in a rice paddy in rural Japan and out comes a silver-suited alien, who floats over to an old rice farmer standing in amazement.

“Human creature,” the alien bellows, “we last visited your planet a ten thousand of your earth years ago. Tell us how you have evolved since then.”

The old man recovers himself, thinks for a moment and says, “Well, way back a long time ago, we were a crude bunch, no doubt. We’d take any old stick and walk down to the seashore, looking for something to eat. When we saw something, stab out came the stick, right through the fish or crab or urchin or whatever, and we’d eat it right off the stick.”

“That is truly a primitive state and in accordance with our records. But how have you evolved?”

“Oh, nowadays we use two sticks.”