Monday, September 22, 2014

Hunting for a JOW #731

I had the opportunity to do some dove hunting last weekend.  I do enjoy hunting those sneaky little birds that seem to manifest out of the clear air and then come sweeping around in high speed arcs.  So my jokes this week focus on hunting.
I will probably not be providing you with jokes next week as my friend David and I are going backpacking in the Colorado Rockies.

First, here is a riddle for you - Two fathers and two sons went dove hunting. Each shot a dove but they shot only three doves in all. How?  The answer is at the end of the jokes.
 Tom and Charlie were on a hunting trip. At nightfall, Tom complained, 'We've been hunting all day. We've shot at ten dove and not hit one!'
'OK, ‘Charlie replied, ‘Let's miss two more and then head back to camp'.

What's the difference between a hunter and a fisherman?
A hunter lies in wait. A fisherman waits and lies.

An avid duck hunter was in the market for a new bird dog. His search ended when he found a dog that could actually walk on water to retrieve a duck. Shocked by his find, he was sure none of his friends would ever believe him. He decided to try to break the news to a friend of his, the eternal pessimist who refused to be impressed with anything. This, surely, would impress him. He invited him to hunt with him and his new dog. As they waited by the shore, a flock of ducks flew by. They fired, and a duck fell. The dog responded and jumped into the water. The dog, however, did not sink but instead walked across the water to retrieve the bird, never getting more than his paws wet. This continued all day long; each time a duck fell, the dog walked across the surface of the water to retrieve it. The pessimist watched carefully, saw everything, but did not say a single word. On the drive home the hunter asked his friend, "Did you notice anything unusual about my new dog?"
"I sure did," responded the pessimist. "He can't swim."

·         What do you get if you cross a telephone with a hunting dog? A golden receiver!

·         What is the best way to hunt bear? With your clothes off.

Sales rep and a project engineer went bear hunting.
“You stay here,” the sales rep said “and I will get you a bear to skin.”
The project engineer stayed in the cabin sharpening his skinning knife and waiting by the big table inside.   
Soon enough he heard and enormous roaring; the sales rep flung the door open and dashed inside with a bear in hot pursuit.  The sales guy rounded the table and flew out the door, slamming it closed on the pursuing bear while calling out to the engineer;  
"You skin this one while I go and get another!"

Commissioned by a zoo to bring them some baboons, the big game hunter devised a novel scheme to trap them - his only requirements being a sack, a gun, and a particularly vicious and bad tempered dog. Once in the jungle he explained to his assistant, "I'll climb this tree and shake the branches; if there are any baboons up there, they will fall to the ground - and the dogs will bite their crotch and immobilize them so that you can pick them up quite safely and put them in the sack."
"But what do I need the gun for?" asked the assistant.
"If I should fall out of the tree by mistake, shoot the dog."

The church service coincided with the last day of hunting season. Our pastor asked who had bagged a deer. No one raised a hand. Puzzled, the pastor said, "I don't get it. Last Sunday many of you said you were unable to make our service because of hunting season. I had the whole congregation pray for your deer."
One hunter groaned, "Well, it worked. They're all safe."

Some men go on a hunting trip and separate into pairs. That evening one hunter, Sam, returned to camp alone toting a 12 point buck. "Where's George?" one of the men asked, noticing that Sam had returned alone. "He's about two miles back. He tripped and broke his ankle. I left him there 'cause I figured ain't nobody 'bout to steal him."

The big game hunter was showing his friends his hunting trophies. Drawing their attention to a lion skin rug on the floor he said, "I shot this fellow in Africa. Didn't want to kill such a magnificent beast, of course, but it was either him or me."
"Well," said a guest, "he certainly makes a much better rug than you would!"

Craig and James went hunting. Craig saw a dove fly by. He raised his shotgun to shoot.
'Don't waste your time,' James hollered. ‘Your shotgun is not loaded.'
'I can't wait,' Craig shouted back. 'The bird will be gone if I take the time to load!'

Answer to the riddle - The hunters were a man, his son and his grandson.

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