Monday, June 22, 2020

Covid-19 Thoughts JOW #1036

I got more wonderful Covid-19 bits from Dick.  The virus has certainly been made it easier for me to find humor, mostly having to do with staying inside.  I added some good Jewish humor and ended with an experiment.  I hope you enjoy these.
Covid-19 thoughts
·         Did you every wish a long lazy weekend would last forever?  Wish granted. 
·         Days are really running into each other, now.  Some of that underwear with the days of the week on them would come in handy. 
·         I am wondering if it is too early to put up the Xmas decorations; I have run out of things to do in the house. 
·         I was so bored I started talking to a spider.  Apparently he’s a web designer. 
·         I have been inside so much that the dog looked at me like, ‘see this is why I bark and chew things.’ 
·         It’s been a great blessing to be at home with the wife these past few months.  We caught up on almost everything I have done wrong in the past 30 years. 
·         The only tan I am getting is from the light in the fridge.
·         I see a baby boom coming in the next nine months.  We can call them the C-19 babies.  I suggest names like Scott and Charmin.
·         We are almost done with my six month trial of 2020.  I give it one star.
·         When this virus thing is over I still want certain people to continue to stay away from me.
·         So my best chance of avoiding this virus is relying on the common sense of other people?  The spread of Covid-19 is based on two factors.  1) How dense the population is.  2) How dense the population is.
·         The decision that liquor stores are more essential than hair salons was made by a bald alcoholic.

More Jewish humor
My father says, “Marry a girl who has the same belief as the family.” 
I said, “Dad, why would I marry a girl who thinks I’m a schmuck?”
Jewish Marriage advice: “Don’t marry a beautiful person. They may leave you. Of course, an ugly person may leave you too. But who cares?”
Morris went to his rabbi for some needed advice. “Rabbi, tell me is it proper for one man to profit from another man’s mistakes?”
“No Morris, a man should not profit from another man’s mistakes,” answered the rabbi.
“Are you sure Rabbi?”
“Of course, I’m sure, in fact I’m positive,” exclaimed the Rabbi.
“OK, Rabbi, if you are so sure, how about returning the two hundred dollars I gave you for marrying me to my wife?”
 The Italian says, "I'm tired and thirsty. I must have wine."
The Frenchman says, "I'm tired and thirsty. I must have cognac."
 The Russian says, "I'm tired and thirsty. I must have vodka."
 The German says, "I'm tired and thirsty. I must have beer."
 The Mexican says, "I'm tired and thirsty. I must have tequila."
The Jew says, "I'm tired and thirsty. I must have diabetes."
Jewish proverb: “A Jewish wife will forgive and forget, but she’ll never forget what she forgave.”
Random contradictions.
I’s a good listener.  I love to hear myself talk.
I’m willing to feel genuine remorse if that is what it takes to get me off the hook.
I’ve noticed that I wobble a bit in my beliefs and I’m not sure how I feel about that.
I figured a little false humility is better than no humility at all.
I’m not living ‘in’ this body although I make a pretty good living ‘off’ of it.
I want to think of myself as a loving person, but other people keep getting in the way.
If you aren’t a person who can ‘fake it till you make it’, just pretend that you are.
Some jokes are better read – example: How do you comfort a grammar Nazi?  “There, their, they’re.”  Other jokes, mainly aural puns, are much better told aloud.  One of the funniest types for me it the back and forth of comedy teams like Abbot and Costello.  I am going to try to recreate a bit of that type of humor.  I am not sure how this experiment will work out; it will probably be best if read it out loud.  Also, it helps to know something about ‘70’s rock bands.

Promoter: “Are you the advertising guy”
            Ad Guy: “Yes, tell me about this event you are planning.”
Promoter: “We are going to put on a big rock festival featuring famous rock bands from the ‘60’s and 70’s.  It’s gonna be huge.”
Ad Guy: “Okay, I don’t know anything about rock music from that era, but I figure we can start with signs and posters.  These are famous bands so why don’t we just list the groups, just the names, and the date and time of the concert.  How does that sound?”
Promoter: “That is fantastic. “
            Ad Guy: “Okay, so who’s on first?”
Promoter: “That’s right.  I thought you didn’t know anything about this concert.”
            Ad Guy: “I don’t.  I just want to know who’s on first.”
Promoter: “That’s right.”
            Ad Guy: “Who?”
Promoter: “Yeah, they’ll be terrific.”
            Ad Guy: “Who?”
Promoter: “The band that is on first.”
            Ad Guy: “AAAAAAHHHH.  Okay, let’s just skip the first band.  Will you tell me the band that will be playing second?”
Promoter: “Yes.”
            Ad Guy: Long pause.  “Who is playing second?”
Promoter: “No, Who is on first.”
            Ad Guy: “ARRGGG!   Please just tell me the band that will play second.”
Promoter: “Yes.”
            Ad Guy: Long pause.  Sigh.  “Okay, how about we start at the bottom.  What band is playing third?”
Promoter: “Guess Who”
            Ad Guy: “I don’t want to guess!  I give up.  Look, would you please just write the names of the bands?”
Promoter: “Write?  Write?  If I could write I wouldn’t have stolen this bit!”

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