Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Riddle me this JOW #1155

Riddles have been around challenging and amusing people for millennia.  I thought as a change of Jokes of the Weeks pace this week I would present you with forty riddles.  The answers are below, carefully numbered.  See how many you can get.


1.      What is black and white and blue?


2.      Where can you find cities, towns, streets and shops, but no people?


3.      What is right in front of you but can’t be seen?


4.      When things go wrong, what can you always count on?


5.      If you throw a blue stone into the Red Sea, what will it become?


6.      I can see when I am with you but I am blind when alone.  What am I?


7.      What is so fragile that just saying its name breaks it?


8.      Where can you finish a book without finishing a sentence?


9.      What year of the 20th century is the same when it is upside down?  And what year in the 19th century?


10.  Open me, and you can’t see me without a mirror.  Close me, and you can’t see me at all.  What am I?


11.  Where would you take a sick boat?

12.  What creature is smarter than a talking parrot?

13.  I have hundreds of wheels, but move I do not. Call me what I am; call me a lot. What am I?

14.  I Start with M, end with X, and have a never-ending amount of letters. What am I?

15.  What is orange and sounds like a parrot?

16.  I make a loud sound when I’m changing. When I do change, I get bigger but weigh less. What am I?

17.  This five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it… What is the word?

18.  Imagine you’re in a room that is filling up with water. There are no windows or doors. How do you get out?


19.  What tastes better than it smells?


20.  Why does a giraffe drink more water in January than in February?


21.  What kind of room has no doors or windows?

22.  Mr. Blue lives in the blue house. Mr. Yellow lives in the yellow house. Mr. Black lives in the black house. Who lives in the white house?

23.  How do you make the number one disappear?


24.  How many months of the year have 28 days?

25.  I am a rock group with four members but none played the guitar. What am I?


26.  What has a head and a tail but no body?


27.  What is blue and smells like red paint?


28.  What goes up but never comes down?


29.  A king, a queen, and two twins all lay in a large room. How are there no adults in the room?


30.  What is something that if you add to a bag actually makes it lighter?


31.  If you poke a hole in me I will actually have fewer holes. 


32.  I add five to nine, and get two. The answer is correct, but how?


33.  How many letters are in the alphabet?


34.  Two in a corner, 1 in a room, 0 in a house, but 1 in a shelter. What am I?


35.  What English word does the following: the first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great person, while the entire word signifies a great woman. What is the word?


36.  What word is pronounced the same if you take away four of its five letters?


37.  David’s father has three sons: Snap, Crackle and…? 


38.  If a red house is made of red bricks, and a yellow house is made of yellow bricks, what is a greenhouse made of?


39.  How can you drop a raw egg from a height onto a concrete floor without cracking it?


40.  I saw a boat full of people, yet there wasn’t a single person on the boat. How is that possible?



Here are the answers


1.      A depressed zebra

2.      A map

3.      Your future

4.      Silence.

5.      Your fingers

6.      Wet

7.      Glasses

8.      1961 and 1881

9.      Prison

10.  Your eyes

11.  To the dock.

12.  A spelling bee!

13.  A parking lot.

14.  A mailbox

15.  A carrot.

16.  Popcorn.

17.  Short.

18.  Stop imagining! 

19.  Your tongue.

20.  There are more days in January than in February!

21.  A Mushroom

22.  The president!

23.  Add the letter “G” and it’s gone! 

24.  All of them!

25.  Mt. Rushmore.

26.  A coin.

27.  Blue paint

28.  Your age. 

29.  They are all beds

30.  A hole

31.  What am I?

32.  When it is 9 AM, add 5 hours to it and you will get 2PM.

33.  There are 11 letters in “the alphabet”.

34.  The letter “R”

35.  “Heroine.”

36.  Queue.

37.  David. 

38.  Glass.

39.  Concrete floors are very hard to crack

40.  They were all married.


Finally, my friend Bill, who apparently has no shame, sent me these two jokes.


My wife yelled from upstairs and asked, “Do you ever get a shooting pain like someone’s got a voodoo doll of you and they’re stabbing at it?”

Sounding concerned I replied, “No…”

A moment later she asked, “How about now?”


I was watching an Australian cooking show and the audience clapped when the chef made meringue

I was surprised as Australians normally….    boo meringue


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